underground lush

during the exile's adventure through the delve mines they happen uppon what looks like an abandoned mapping labratory.


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Hideout version: 1.0.0
Total decorations: 367
Uses MTX: Yes

Decoration name MTX Count
Wide Light Beam Yes 1
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Helena No 1
Jun No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Stash No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Body Armour Stand No 1
Vaal Furniture No 6
Weathered Pot No 2
Ancient Rubble No 1
Crypt Rubble No 3
Excavated Brick No 2
Vaal Debris No 5
Ruined Standing Lamp No 1
Garden Column No 2
Ossuary Plaque No 2
Rubble Strip No 1
Swamp Tree Stump No 1
Vaal Marker No 9
Crypt Table No 1
Ossuary Brazier No 13
Swamp Tree No 1
Church Wall Gate No 1
Colossus Leg No 1
Thick Trees No 1
Tomb No 1
Decorated Trees No 4
Winged Statue No 1
Forest Rock No 7
Forest Flowers No 6
Mossy Cairn No 2
Rope No 1
Flax Plant No 1
Forest Tree No 6
Prayer Stones No 6
Tree No 27
Aloe Plant No 2
Bush No 6
Garden Path No 64
Low Mossy Wall No 10
Macrotaen Plant No 1
Poppy Plant No 6
Road Trim No 20
Stone Obelisk No 2
Mossy Wall No 4
Overgrown Arch No 7
Overgrown Statue No 6
Thicket Tree No 3
Garden Wall No 1
Blown Leaves No 1
Large Garden Statue No 1
Large Overgrown Statue No 1
Lion Statue No 2
Overgrown Offering Statue No 2
Ravenal Tree No 1
Sack of Gems No 1
Mushroom Cluster No 1
Sewer Moss No 36
Sewer Pipes No 1
Urn No 3
Market Debris No 2
Sceptre Of God Debris No 3
Mine Cart No 1
Pipe Kit No 2
Stone Pieces No 8
Stone Shattered Pieces No 1
Relic Pile No 1
Steam Pipes No 1
Power Cable No 1
Railway No 3
Generator No 1
Library Statue No 1
Oil Lamp No 1
Ornate Vase No 1
Relic Stand No 3
Strange Globe No 2
Bronze Piping No 2
Golden Vessel No 3
Extraction Device No 2
Plant Pot No 8
Sky Shrine Rubble No 2
Bathhouse Mosaic No 1
Garden Statue No 1
Ornate Planter No 1
Sky Shrine Door No 3
Verdant Tree No 1
Latest version: 1.0.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0.0 Yes 2019-01-15 07:24:18 1,048,680 367 544 Download

1.0.0 | 15 Jan 2019 - 07:24

Initial release